I'm sure a lot of Americans right now will be writing in their blogs about the 9-11 tragedy.
I've always told people I'm oblivious to current events. I'm something like an urban hermit: no TV, no radio, no newspapers. It's so bad that I didn't know about 9-11 until the next day when our sociology and anthropology teacher, Dr. Abad, told us about the incident and how it's hard to believe, like its something out of a Robert Ludlum novel.
Speaking from someone who's on the opposite side of the world who lost no one (at least as far as I know) in the tragedy, 9-11 has vast effects.
*Make no mistake, the lost of lives is a big tragedy as well as an eye-opener for people, especially the Americans. The ends does not justify the means. Especially in this case. I can only be grateful that I didn't lose a love one.*
Suddenly, the US wants to intervene in a war that has been going on in the Philippines for the past few years as part of their "war against terrorism". Let me put it in other words: if 9-11 didn't occur, would Bush care about the Philippines? Or even insist that we accept US troops in the country? There's a fine thin line between revenge and justice. I just hope the latter is the reason for this sudden help despite the fact that the effects might be the same.
I also hope that Bush is taking this out on the right people. I mean until today, no one really knows who engineered this catastrophe. Sure, there are several theories and probabilities say that most likely, this person and that person masterminded it. There's still a percentage though, no matter how small it might be, that innocent people are being blamed (or put in another context, the guilty people are not suffering).
On another note, people are sensationalizing the event. I think it's too soon. People are still recovering from it. It's not some public road sideshow for everyone to see. It's a tragedy. People will perhaps grow and learn from it. In the meantime, the best we can do is give them our condolences and our prayers.
I wonder if I'm going to get flamed for this, especially from the Americans who read this blog.
To me, 9-11 has been an excuse for Bush to show his military might and seek revenge against those easiest to blame. Not that I'm proclaiming inaction or to let the oppressors go free. In our sociology/anthropology class last year, perhaps the question to ask is why such a tragedy happened? What were the reasons the masterminds behind 9-11 have for targeting America? Is it just because they represent "truth, justice, and freedom?" or could it be something more?
9-11 is a sad sad thing, with the lost of lives and pride. I just hope that the aftereffects don't prove to be as devastating.
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