The Blue Screen of Death
For us PC users, the blue screen of death has been a way of life. Somebody should patent that name. And for those interested, no, it hasn't happened to me recently (which is a good thing considering my computer doesn't have a reset button, much less an off switch). At least not with the computer model I'm using. Can't say the same for Elbert though.
Coraline at Powerbooks
For those who haven't gotten one... And Ringu VCDs are out at Music One/Tower Records.
It's strange. We're getting all these news coverage about the war in Iraq that news about SARS is getting eclipsed by it. As well as other important news like North Korea testing weapons without informing its neighbors (maybe one day I'll wake up to find out that North Korea launched a surprise attack on Japan or something). And of course, these things are closer to home.
The funny thing about SARS is that it afflicts a lot of people, and those that die from it are usually the healthy people. Well, if it's any comfort, my chances of surviving SARS is pretty high considering I'm far from healthy, and have been plagued by respiratory diseases my entire life that I'm probably immune to it by now. At least until my regular attacks come to plague me.
Home... and Alone
That's what being broke does to you. Do you know the last movie I watched in a theater was Hero? And that was several weeks ago.
Anyway, here I am at home, checking email, watching TV, checking more email...
One thing that's good during summer is that I get to email people. And since people usually have nothing better to do, they actually reply to my emails. =)
Anime Con
Anyway, a few weeks from now will be TeleSuccess's anime convention. Some people I know are already preparing their costumes for the event (and some even their dance numbers).
Hopefully, I'll get to write for K-Zone. Maybe they'll let me cover the event. Ha! Fat chance. Oh well, back to my day job. Oh, wait, I'm a bum...
My Writing
Speaking of K-Zone, had to give them a sample of my work the other day (actually, had an acquaintance give it to them... so I'm assuming that my acquaintance is reliable and actually handed it to them by now) and well, I couldn't really find anything good and recent with the exception of my feature article, which is long. I also had this other article which I planned on submitting for Animedia but he didn't get to use it, and I can't do it right now in HTML since it involves tables. Lots of them.
Anyway, just had to burn onto a CD my old
fanzine and anything that's written there is at least three years old. Aside from my horrible writing skills back then (the only comfort I have is that I'm not alone, buwahahaha! I have Rin's old work, as well as Mia's and Kara's, to name a few), they're filled with jargon (since it was my intent to target the fans, not the masses) and less than optimum writing (I was trying to break free from my "news writing" sensibilities at the time). The only good thing is that at the very least, that's my minimum output for any work given.
Now if I only had the technical knowledge of Benj, Kara, and Sacha, the layouting skills of Arcina, Tchan, and Rin, the literature sensibilities of Tin and Richie, the drawing skills of Elbert, Nicole (ah, my PO Bytes graphic artist), and Katch, and the marketing talents of Fed, I'd be a self-sufficient person on his way to success.
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