Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Oh yeah, one of my disappointments right now is the fact that there's no one I can talk to about Morgawyr. I mean the Terry Brook fans I usually talk to are either far far away or grown out of it. My grade school friend Tim probably hasn't lifted a fantasy book in ages. His Rivan Codex is still with me even. Steph's Steph. I don't get to talk to her often and she's busy with her studies, much less give me attention. I'd usually rant to Jobert about it but he's in the US and while I already emailed him, it's just not the same.

Which explains why lately I've had all the time to read and write.

Oh yeah,there's a big and visible error on the part of our village. The women's circle or something like that is sponsoring a mooncake festival to be held in the village hall. There's a big banner outside the gate. And there's a typo or spelling error. It says P30 entrance fee, inclussive etc... Hmmm, I wonder if my mom is part of that women's circle.


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