Monday, March 10, 2003

Yesterday was one of those days that I was out of synch. I mean among the things I blundered, I said the wrong things to my crush, didn't read what was supposed to be read for Phil. Lit. hence getting 1/10 in the quiz, was blabbering in Philo, and even insulted Elbert a bit too far (unintentionally, of course).

On a side note, no more Salty Dog 2 artbook at CCHQ. ;_; And *sob*, my fiction hasn't yet been discussed in Krip's class. But enough of the whining.

Tomorrow's the SF&F con and I still don't know how to get there, nor do I know how will I get home. Finals week is at the end of March so I'll still be in school for a while. And in any case, I have summer. I just hope I don't flunk my Phil. Lit. class. Meanwhile, I'm still thinking of a plan to earn P10,000 by the start of May so I can ask Carlos to buy stuff for me.


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