Friday, September 19, 2003

The Mysteries Have Been Revealed

Perhaps what I like about Mr. Sunico is not only his practical knowledge of publishing but his wit as well as his awareness of all sorts of gossip.

One of the talks last Thursday involved National Bookstore and Goodwill Bookstore, of the strange ties the two have, and how all corporations mess up in one way or another when it comes to passing it to the next generation.

On My Publication

One of the most difficult things to handle in our thesis is the fact that we're a group, and it's a democracy.

Right now, after several talks with some of my groupmates, I managed to persuade them to go with the print-on-demand method (i.e. the risograph or photocopier method).

But knowing that the editors and groupmates are fickle, and some don't even like me anymore (I am not know for finesse or tact, and please, we've known each other for four years), well, I won't be surprised if things go differently by next week.

Not-So-Endless Nights

Actually managed to see a few dozen copies of Neil Gaiman's Endless Nights, although all of them are accounted for. Nearly a hundred copies are circulating around Metro Manila, each at $25.00, and people have all bought them.


I put on my shoe yesterday and I felt a prickling on the right one. Later, when I checked what it was (expecting it was a pebble or a straw), it was a dead cockroach. I had killed it. And it made a stain on my sock.


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