Wednesday, July 02, 2003

The Quest

If there's one thing I desperately want, it's sleep. Sleep sleep sleep. Obtaining eight straight hours of it seems to be a rarity these days.

Troubled Dreams

Not a nightmare, although I did spend fifteen minutes recuperating from the dream.

Dreamt of my crush, or should I say ex-crush.

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that I've been dreaming about her for the past two days. Also, if this happened three months ago, when I was beginning to get over her, I wouldn't be surprised. But why now? Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? Should I not get over her?

Of course there's another rational explanation for all of this, but that possibility I am dreading.

Fame for a Day

As I was walking Colayco, the building that houses most of the accredited school orgs, a friend passed by carrying a box of Chinoy, the publication of the Chinese-Filipino org Celadon (no, I'm not part of it, especially in light of the fact that people there talk in Chi-Tag-Lish). And since I have an article there (since the editor stumbled upon my other blog), I said I'll have one when I would have otherwise declined.

Of course aside from soothing my ego, actually got the mag to see how much editing and cutting my work suffered (yes, lots of editing and cutting).

My beautiful seatmate in Theology (the, errr, female one) was looking for a copy of Chinoy (who happened to have an feature article on, guess what, Meteor Garden) and then after browsing through it, points to my article. Then we actually talk. ^_^

And then later in the afternoon, Elbert sends me a text message saying he finally understood what I meant for da ben niu (big stupid cow), the name students fill up on their test papers when they didn't know any better (which I was fortunately spared from).

Stalking Marco

Sorry got your name wrong. The fact that you collaborated with Jason Banico got me confused, especially when Elbert's throwing all these famous people's names around. =)

Searching the stalker database, I think the first time I saw you was several years ago, at Ora Cafe (when the place was still doing business). Anima Anime (when they were still in business) was having one of their regular monthly anime screenings and they had you as a special guest as you had just released Angel Ace #2, I think.

My God, these short "stalker excerpts" are starting to become a regular thing...


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