Monday, June 30, 2003


The higher the capacity of your hard drive, the longer it takes to defrag it. There goes two hours of my life...

Children's Books!

I was surprised last week to find Anne McCaffrey's Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, and Dragondrums under the children's section of Powerbooks. Then again, I just finished reading a handout on children's lit and it's also listed as a children's book.

So I guess that's one point for the SF/F genre?


While it's a known fact that people love to gossip on the phone, today was the first time I actually saw a person do it on a payphone. It helps that there were benches in the area, and that she had a phone card. But still, that was around thirty minutes of blathering about nothing. In a public area.

Then again, it's Ateneo, so it really shouldn't surprise me.

Class at Megamall

Apparently, my writing for children's lit class tomorrow is scheduled to be held in Megamall at 6 pm (instead of 4:30 pm at school).

Of course if I didn't run into Elbert, I wouldn't know that fact. And I'm sure a lot of my classmates don't know about it as well.

So should I use my stalker powers for good and track each one of them down and tell about the revised schedule?

Speaking of Stalking

So there I was, attending the theo meeting with my group at the chem department when Oui appears at the stairs and shouts "Charles! What are you doing here?"

Me of course playing on her paranoia, told her I was stalking her.

Also met up with Mia, Mavis, Benj, and Lindsay at CCHQ (too bad Mars wasn't there to complete the alliteration). I could claim I was waiting for them like a good stalker should, but common sense would tell anyone that it was more of happenstance rather than planned.

Or so one might think.

On a side note, a lot of people for PO have changed drastically. You should have seen the expression on Benj's face when I told him that Chev was bar hopping last I talked to her.

And of course, there's also the fact that I know about people whom for all intents and purposes I shouldn't know. Like Tobie. And everyone seems to know Vin, although I did see him purchase Harry Potter 5 at 7:30 in the morning two Saturdays ago.

Insight for the Day

People try to pass off lies as the truth. How about the reverse, passing off truth as lies?


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