Monday, October 28, 2002

It was a wet walk home as I dropped by Ateneo and CCHQ but didn't have a carpool. I usually carry an umbrella but loaned it to Meia since she was going home too and obviously needed it more than me (I had a jacket). Unfortunately, my jacket (and my yellow shoes!) didn't last through two hours of rain (not heavy rain but rain nonetheless). Well, that's my good deed for the day as I have to wake up really early tomorrow so that I can get ahead in life for our registration forms and grades. And I just know I flunked Theo.

CCHQ's new stock will arive next week and I have to pay my debt to Arcina by that time as well. I guess I should be grateful that I already bought my birthday gift for Steph. But sometimes, I'm tempted to buy one thing more... like that gorgeous Glay poster...

And I guess I'm sad because I have no one for Halloween. Some people are having a celebration, others going to cosplay. I'll be home, alone, and probably without Internet access (because brother will be using the phone all day, among other things).


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