Saturday, September 07, 2002

It was the typical gaming setup: game is set to start at 9:30 am but as usual, not only do people not come on time but the actual game starts late. We actually only had two and a half hours of RPG gaming time as we started at 2 pm and had to end at 4:30 pm since we had to leave.

Rain, rain, and more rain. Not as strong but still, it's still a hassle to traverse the streets in rain, especially when cars pass you by at high speeds and water splashes at you. My jacket can only ward off so much water.

Oh yeah, was walking in the bookfair when I passed by Mystic and her sister, Michelle. As usual, I'm invisible, even when I'm right in front of them. ^^ Anyway, they barely recognized me because of my long hair. It's nice to know that I can still scare people.


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