Thursday, January 24, 2002

Looks like I'm on a streak this week. Everything seems to go in ways I never imagined.

It turns out our two-part exam in economics is actually a three-parter. Apparently, so did our psychology quiz. At least now I know what'll happen next week.

We also got a free cut for fiction today. Dan, I think that's his name, told me that Ma'am Cyan told him Danton would be going somewhere this afternoon so we didn't have class. I just hope he's right. =)

That reminds me, Elbert's lucky. He planned to cut fiction.

We're now learning a new technique for arnis which involves rotating the stick. I can manage to do it vertically but can't seem to get the hang of it when it comes to striking it horizontally. Oh well, I guess I need more practice.

I can't help but miss some girls I know. Joanne... Krizelle... Lea... Ela... Aiah... Steph... *sigh* Never mind that I just saw Steph this afternoon. She seems to get prettier the more I see her. I wonder if I'll ever get over her.

There's nothing like upbeat music to stir my blood. The songs of Initial D sounds cool... ^^


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