Thursday, June 05, 2003

What Does S.J. Stand For?

Last night, I was pestered by Elbert asking me what S.J. stood for. Super Jeep? Super Jesus? Super Jesuit?

Of course, I, the stereotypical "smart guy" is queried this. And well, seventeen years studying in a Jesuit school does teach you these things, such as S.J. standing for Society of Jesus.

Sleeping Early

Because I expect to go to school at 6 am and my usual routine of sleeping at 12 am just won't do. I slept something like an hour earlier and waking up at 5 am to prepare myself for enrollment.

No Ride

The driver brought me to school but he couldn't pick me up because according to him, his son got jailed in their province so he has to go there and won't be back until this evening at the earliest.


Yes, really long lines and I am apalled at how my blockmates are raving about Meteor Garden.

Suffice to say, while I was there at 6:15, I only got to enlist my subjects are 1:30 pm.

The enrollment system this year has room for improvement, but definitely better than the previous years in my opinion.

Of course it helps that there's only 180+ of us in the School of Humanities compared to others which has what, 400+?


Got treated out to Chilis were people actually saw me eat. Isn't that fact a blog entry in itself?

Also saw a lot of (semi-famous) people I haven't seen in a long time and while I could name drop, well, I'd rather not. =)


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