Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Yesterday's Aftermath

I've discovered that the books I borrowed from the library yesterday are still soaking wet. And they're due tomorrow.

Also, my tape recorder seems to have been broken. But apparently, it's the tape and not the recorder itself (although it is wet).

And pics from last month's con also got wet, with a picture sticking to the Kodak envelope.


It's not rain. I wish it were rain. It's a storm, with the heavy rainfall and high velocity winds. Flooded streets, naked people by the flyovers, fallen signs...

Power Failure

So tell me, how am I supposed to cram an eight page paper with the lack of electricity or light? And you can't tell me I should have started it earlier since there were power fluctuations too over the weekend.

They Don't Have Turabian!

Me: Miss, where's Turabian located?

Saleslady: You mean Elements of Style?

-at this point, a flashback of Danton's anecdote of finding Strunk and E.B. White's book under the "fashion" section of the bookstore.-

Me: No, Turabian.

Saleslady: Kate Turabian? That's the name of the author right and not the title of the book. Isn't the book's name Elements of Style?

-she has a point about referring to A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations as just Turabian instead of its actual title.-

Me: Yes, the author is Kate Turabian. No, the book isn't Elements of Style.

Saleslady: It's not here. All the English books are on this shelf. I don't think we restocked yet.

And that, my friends, is how I ended up soaking wet traveling from Katipunan to Virramall only to find that National Bookstore didn't have a copy of Kate Turabian's book. So I had to go all the way to Robinsons Galleria (which during "normal" weather would be fine but with a storm looming over the corner and all...)

At 4 PM

There's a power failure. I miss my TV shows. And the light which I need to read books.


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