Friday, January 17, 2003

First off, they showed the last episode of Transformers: Beast Machines yesterday. I don't even know why I watch the thing, but endings of a show always interest me. When I was at Jobert's place a few weeks back, Justin made a comment at how it's easier to animate CGI when it has dark backgrounds, like the ones in Beast Machines in comparison to its prequel, Beast Wars, which had bright lights and lots of foliage. Of course Beast Machines only proved Justin's theory that the animators were too lazy since the ending which involved lots of robots, only the main characters were visible. The rest were just silhouettes of humanoid beings running around.

Also spent most of yesterday trying to finish Book 10 of the Wheel of Time. Just read a review of it at my livejournal, along with my review of Pier's Anthony's Xanth. And don't worry, there aren't any spoilers.

Despite the fact that there's a sign that reads "no smoking, no eating, no drinking" at the library steps, people still violate those rules. Of course instead of posting those signs on the pillars, now there's an actual stand that has that sign. But well, people are still smoking in that area. Less frequency, yes, but apparently, people can't read, even when they're standing right next to the sign.

Right now, I'd be happy if I'm broke. But I'm not. I'm actually in debt. Which is probably why I haven't bought lunch the entire week. But still, Crossroads of Twilight and the other books are well worth it.

Also spent the day ummm, corrupting people to read Crossroads of Twilight. I guess the problem nowadays is that people are too busy to read novels. I showed Steph the book and well, she managed to resist. The last time she read a book she stayed up all night trying to finish the darn thing. Ela couldn't resist though. And I really wanna buy Steph's friend (since I am bad with names...) a copy of Fruits Basket #10. I wonder how Chanty found it, if she's actually managed to read it already.

Finally, as an in-joke, the org Comicol should be renamed to Elbert's Org. =P


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