Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Tuesdays are Cursed

For more than four weeks, every Tuesday, it rains. Period. (At leasts it's showers rather than storms... so far.)

I Hate Tuesdays

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm trapped at school from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. The good news is that I can have a night life since classes don't start until 1:30 pm the next day. Unfortunately, I tend to sleep early on Tuesdays.

Running Man

Well, I had an appointment with my theology teacher today at 12 pm. Unfortunately, I accompanied Elbert for most of the day, even waiting at the pscyhology department, all alone, for half an hour. Luckily, I had a book (Neverwhere , which I bought at the bookfair, since it was on sale and it was one of those "now or never" opportunities) which I used to ignore the stares of the people who were wondering what I was doing on their sofa since I did not seem to have an appointment with any of the teachers.

Eventually, I got dragged to CCHQ past 12 and if it wasn't for the text messages of a classmate who reminded me about the meeting, I would have completely missed it.

On a side note, I did get a free lunch since the appointment with the said teacher involved a "lugawan".


Since I'll probably forget the link if I don't write it here, visit Jason's blog.


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