Tuesday, January 10, 2006

[Blog Entry] Printing Error, Gameplan

Printing Error

The fact that I was able to finish reading two books today is only marred by the fact that one of them had a printing error. My copy of Smaller and Smaller Circles were missing pages 40-60+, and in their place were repetitions of pages 60+ to 70+.

What I admire about US sensibilities is that they have such a thing as customer satisfaction. Not satisfied? Send it back for a refund. Unfortunately, the shops here (and not just bookstores) have a time limit of somewhere between 3 to 7 days, and only if there's a defect.


Game Plan is looking for new hosts (one guy, one girl), and two out of the three female finalists are people I know. One is Joanne, a friend from nearly seven years back, in the chatroom Pinoy Otaku back when I was still lurking around chatrooms, and the other is batchmate Lala, who I doubt even remembers me, but was my classmate in Biology, and hanged with the Soc. Sci. block until she shifted course to Psychology.


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