Friday, September 17, 2004

Morning Walks

For the past week, I've been seeing a number of nuns (I don't know what order though) walking around our village on my way to work. One of them greets me good morning and I greet her back. I honestly didn't know there were nuns in our village (although there are priests, thanks to a certain Catholic school and church).

Anyway, I don't think I'll be seeing them anymore next week, thanks to my schedule change, unless they're also prone to evening walks.

Busy Day

My schedule for day is a long one: first there's my dentist appointment, then I'll drop by a certain bookstore to check up on their new stocks, and finally go all the way to the Philippine Trade Training Center and attend the U Got Game con. Of course how I'll get back home, I honestly don't know...

Dwindling Resources

Sure, it's my windfall month, but it's also month of treating everyone else out. And I already abstained from all my hobbies, whether it's buying books or RPG products.


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